"Kathinka is a delightful teacher and really brings an awareness and consideration of the body that is both gentle and precise."
(Nichi Green, yoga teacher/studio owner)
As part of her professional dance training Kathinka started practicing yoga (Ashtanga, Vinyasa Flow, Power Yoga, Jivamukti Yoga, Yin Yoga) in 2001 and has worked with various teachers in England and Germany, such as Manju Pattabhi Jois, Joey Miles, Nichi Green, Victor Colletti and Brian Kest. Since 2008 she teaches yoga to dancers and non-dancers, combining her dance knowledge with the yoga practice. Her dynamic yoga class is a very physical approach to yoga (Vinyasa Flow, Power Yoga), which is working on strong postures and flowing sequences, but also introduces different breathing techniques to improve a holistic understanding for the body. It finishes with a quiet relaxation to calm and refresh the mind.
In addition, she is also teaching yin yoga, where the muscles are encouraged to relax and yield to gravity, allowing the connective tissue (fascia, tendons, ligaments) to be targeted and released. Physical and mental tension can be released, and a growing inner awareness allows moving towards a calmer and more centered state of mind.
Kathinka is a qualified Power Yoga teacher and completed her teacher training at Power Yoga Germany.

In 2013 Kathinka started teaching yoga with live music in collaboration with the Danish musician Tommy Høeg.

Tommy Høeg
"I usually arrive at Kathinka’s classes feeling tired; at some point during the rigours of her class I know I have made a terrible error in being there; afterwards my body glows with restored energy and satisfaction. Kathinka is a demanding teacher, but she has enabled me to experience real improvement in my attempts to practicing yoga."
(Yoga student)
"Kathinka seems to stretch time in her classes – they always feel so spacious and focused."​
(Yoga student)
After having taught in Leeds, Kathinka is also teaching in Hamburg/Germany since 2015.
since 2020: Teaching workshops in different studios
2015-2019: Yoga an der Alster
2016-2017: Power Yoga Germany
2015-2017: Präventionszentrum Winterhude
2009-2015: Yoga Space Leeds
2013-2014: Northern School of Contemporary Dance
2008-2011: Esporta/Leeds
2008-2010: Yorkshire Dance
From vinyasa flow to yin yoga
Since 2001 Kathinka has worked with various yoga teachers in England and Germany. She started teaching yoga in 2008 and mainly teaches Vinyasa Flow, Power Yoga and Yin Yoga.

Before I decide
(New York, 2013)

Before I decide
(New York, 2013)

Before I decide
(New York, 2013)

Before I decide
(New York, 2013)

Before I decide
(New York, 2013)